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Places, Culture

Holy Week in Tepoztlán

Palm Sunday with Arturo carrying his palms. Easter was just celebrated all over the world. Mexico is largely a Catholic country, and is no exception. They take this holiday very seriously, and have a whole week of events leading up to it, called Semana Santa, or Holy Week. The week after fulfilling one's spiritual and family obligations is...

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Places, Culture, People

Religious Icons: Part Two-Churches

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Church of La Santísima Mexico is predominantly a Catholic country, and Tepoztlán is no exception. We'll explore many churches that are in different parts of town. But not all. That would be too large a project. I'm not sure that a church can be called a religious icon, however I'm using this to follow up on...

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Places, Culture, People

The Greater Reset in Morelia

Morelia, Michoacan. Closing circle at The Greater Reset conference. I recently (Jan. 17-22, 2024) attended The Greater Reset conference in Morelia. Morelia is the capital of the state of Michoacan in Mexico. While at a previous conference, I gathered photos and wrote about the town. Now I want to tell more about the event

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Places, Culture, People

Café Arté, Tepoztlán

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Inside Café Arté. Photo by author In 2003, when I moved to Tepoztlán, a "Magic City" in Mexico, there was only one café, Buenos Tiempos (Good Times). I can't remember when the second one, Tepoz Café, was added. Buenos Tiempos started in a booth at the entrance to the open air market before moving to a regular shop....

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Places, Beaches

Laguna Bacalar

Bacalar is the second largest inland body of water in Mexico. Located in the state of Quintana Roo, in the Yucatan, it is about two hours south of Tulum, and attracts tourists for many reasons. The lagoon is purported to have seven different colors in its clear waters. It is 37 by 1.2 miles, having an average depth of 49-59

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Nature, hiking

Tepoztlán's Mushrooms

The natural environment of Tepoztlán has a wide variety of mushrooms. Many varieties of  edible and medicinal ones are harvested by locals and sold in the markets. I met Sivan, a man originally from Australia, who moved here five years ago. He recently set up a table selling wild crafted mushrooms in our Friday natural and organic market.  I...

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Religious Icons: Part One

Catholicism is the major religion south of the US border. But it is different here. Within a ten- minute, three-block radius from where I live, in Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico, there are many altars, along with a church and a chapel that show this difference. Join me by looking at the photos and video I took while walking

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Murals in Tepoztlán

Part of the magic of the "Magic City" of Tepoztlán comes from its many colorful murals adorning buildings. Some are quite imaginative and whimsical, like the one above. I was strolling in my neighborhood when I noticed a new mural's creation (see the slide show at the end of this article). Sara was the painter. Five years ago I had interviewed...

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The Santiago Trails in Tepoztlán

Santiago, Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. A balanced rock on the trail. Photo by author Tepoztlán, where I live, is a "magic city" in the central Mexico volcanic region. It is in the state of Morelos. Santiago is a small village that's part of the Tepoztlán municipality on the outskirts of the city. I've explored the trails of Santiago with my...

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Chalcatzingo-Morelos Archeological Site

Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico. Photo by author Chalcatzingo is an ancient Olmec site (1,500 BC) an hour's drive from Tepoztlán, where I live. The Olmecs are the oldest known Mesoamerican civilization. A group of us went on an excursion there. Here is a link to a YouTube video about Olmec

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